Sonarqube vs veracode
Sonarqube vs veracode

sonarqube vs veracode sonarqube vs veracode

Veracode’s SAST product provides thorough, fast, and automated feedback to developers. With comprehensive policy-based scans, security teams can ensure that applications meet security requirements before they are put into production.


By enabling developers to rapidly test their code for security flaws and insecure coding practices from right within common programming tools and automated build pipelines, organizations can reduce security-related risks and remediation costs. SAST (Static Application Security Testing) is an essential static analysis capability for application developers and security teams. This is in part because vulnerabilities in an application's code can easily provide attackers with access to confidential data and other sensitive information.

sonarqube vs veracode

Many data breaches today come from attacks on insecure code in an application rather than from network attacks or other vectors. Static Code Analysis Provides Greater Enterprise Security Our platform also provides remediation guidance and in-context analysis of flaws and vulnerabilities, enabling developers to learn more about application security and efficiently fix specific problems at the same time. In Veracode's cloud-based tools, static code analysis for application security flaws is an automated process that runs while your developers work and can be integrated into your Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines. Most static code analysis operates on application source code, while some tools – including Veracode’s SAST analyzer – can operate on compiled code packages (the object code, machine code, or bytecode), often called “binaries”, as well. This makes static code analysis very well suited to testing applications for security flaws, a process called Static Application Security Testing (SAST). It is “static” because it analyses applications without running them, which means an application can be tested exhaustively without constructing a runtime environment or posing risk to production systems. Static code analysis is a process for analyzing an application's code for potential errors.


One important step in secure software development is Static Application Security Testing (SAST), a form of static code analysis in which an application's code is scanned for security flaws. A mature application security program assesses for vulnerabilities and security flaws at every step of the software development life cycle from requirements and design to post-release testing and analysis.

Sonarqube vs veracode